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Keynote Address - Stefan Hajkowicz

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Plaza Auditorium




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Stefan Hajkowicz

Keynote Address


Dr Stefan Hajkowicz is a principal scientist working in the field of strategic foresight at CSIRO, Australia's national science agency. He has devoted his career to helping governments, companies and communities comprehend patterns of change so they can make wiser choices and secure better futures. Stefan's academic background is in geography, economics and decision theory. He was recently appointed to the World Economic Forum's Global Strategic Foresight Community, a group of 32 strategy and foresight experts meeting annually in New York to share ideas about the future of the world. Stefan is widely published in the scientific literature and his new book, titled Global Megatrends, hit shelves in May 2015. Stefan has a doctorate in geography from the University of Queensland and postgraduate qualifications in economics from the University of New England. He lives in Brisbane and is both a keen supporter and active participant in the city’s rapidly growing knowledge and creative economy.