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Impacts and key lessons from extreme storm tide surge events

Thursday, November 10, 2016
9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Plaza Auditorium


Dwayne Honor


Impacts and key lessons from extreme storm tide (2015 Churchill Scholarship) - Bundaberg Regional Council


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Dwayne Honor
Branch Manager Engineering Services
Bundaberg Regional Council

2015 Churchill Fellowship - Impacts and Key Lessons from Extreme Storm Tide


The impact of storm surge and storm tide from large cyclones and recovery from such is not widely understood amongst coastal communities, especially in Queensland where focus has been on riverine flood estimation and analysis.
Significant areas of coastline are susceptible to storm surge and there is limited policy, strategy and implementation methodologies available on how we best Prepare, Transform and Adapt our coastal communities (and public infrastructure) to meet this risk.
This presentation is a summary of fellowship learning's based on experiences from Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines, Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina in the United States of America.


Dwayne Honor has been working in local government for over 12 years and was educated at Central Queensland University (Rockhampton). He has degrees with Distinction in Engineering Technology and Business Administration and is a committee member of the Central Queensland Branch and state board of the IPWEAQ. He was awarded IPWEAQ Young Engineer of the Year in 2013 for flood recovery efforts in the Bundaberg region. In 2015 Dwayne was awarded a Churchill Fellowship from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia. The trust was established in 1965 after the death of Sir Winston Churchill with the principal objective of perpetuating and honouring Sir Winston’s memory and providing an opportunity for Australians to travel overseas to conduct research in their chosen field that is not readily available in Australia Dwayne's Churchill Fellowship was to research key impacts and learning's from extreme storm tide in the Philippines and United States in order to adapt communities in Australia to these risks.