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A conversation about demystifying “legal speak”

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Plaza P6


ABSTRACT - It may seem that at times some lawyers converse in a language known only to other lawyers. Our panel of McCullough Robertson Partners will provide meaning to some of the commonly encountered legal terms that our engineering clients deal with on projects. Included in this discussion will be issues related to the formation of contracts, interpretation and meaning of key concepts and examples of common traps.


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Ren Niemann
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia



Ren Niemann - Partner - For more than 18 years, Ren has extensively provided all levels of government and the private sector with strategic advice on procurement, construction and infrastructure projects. His focus on these areas means his clients have confidence they are receiving the right commercial advice on the development and procurement of complex projects. Ren’s work spans all forms of procurement and major projects, including PPPs and project financed infrastructure, across all sectors and industries.
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Michael Rochester
McCullough Robertson Lawyers



Michael Rochester - Partner - Michael practices in project delivery for government and in the resources and construction industries. With over 20 years’ experience, he is known for his industry knowledge and pragmatic approach which he brings to major projects. Michael has advised numerous local governments on the delivery of infrastructure. He has advised on projects both in Australia and internationally and has been involved in all contracting models including alliancing and Early Contractor Involvement.
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Matt Bradbury
McCullough Robertson Lawyers



Matt Bradbury - Partner - Matt is an infrastructure, construction and engineering lawyer who has advised on civil, building, mechanical, mining and structural projects in each state and territorial jurisdiction of Australia and throughout South East Asia. Matt advises on all aspects of construction, infrastructure and major engineering projects where he works side by side with his clients and their external consultants to successfully deliver their projects. He advises clients on risk mitigation and administration of contracts so as to avoid disputes. Matt currently acts on behalf of state and local government, government owned corporations, contractors, subcontractors and consultants and advises a number of professional bodies and industry associations. He is a regular guest speaker at industry and legal conferences.