What does customer experience mean in the civil works delivery?
Track 2
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 |
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM |
Craig Young, Sunshine Coast Council
Civil Asset Management
Mr Craig Young
Manager Civil Asset Management
Sunshine Coast Council
What does Customer Experience mean in the Civil Works delivery?
What is good customer experience?
We're all consumers and customers with a clear understanding of what makes a good customer experience when it comes to our own purchases. Yet when we undertake our day to day operations we sometime forget the impact our actions have on the community. A poor customer experience in a commercial sense means potential loss of future revenue but in Local Government we have a fixed market and a bad experience means loss of reputation and bad publicity.
As local government engineers we impact 100's of 1000's of peoples lives every day through our activities, designs, construction and maintenance operations. While we know our actions are to improve the community experience, too often we spend time answering complaints.
"Why didn't Council tell me about this!" is the cry of the slightly enraged motorist as they get caught up in road works and increasingly about to run late for wherever they're off to.
"Why can't they just be happy we're fixing this" is a cry all operational managers have uttered in frustration from time to time.
The intent of this presentation will be to explore good and bad customer experiences and how we as local government professionals might be able to keep up with the changing instantaneous society we now live in to provide a positive customer experience.
We're all consumers and customers with a clear understanding of what makes a good customer experience when it comes to our own purchases. Yet when we undertake our day to day operations we sometime forget the impact our actions have on the community. A poor customer experience in a commercial sense means potential loss of future revenue but in Local Government we have a fixed market and a bad experience means loss of reputation and bad publicity.
As local government engineers we impact 100's of 1000's of peoples lives every day through our activities, designs, construction and maintenance operations. While we know our actions are to improve the community experience, too often we spend time answering complaints.
"Why didn't Council tell me about this!" is the cry of the slightly enraged motorist as they get caught up in road works and increasingly about to run late for wherever they're off to.
"Why can't they just be happy we're fixing this" is a cry all operational managers have uttered in frustration from time to time.
The intent of this presentation will be to explore good and bad customer experiences and how we as local government professionals might be able to keep up with the changing instantaneous society we now live in to provide a positive customer experience.
Craig returns back to Sunshine Coast Council after a 4 year working holiday as Manager Works in Margaret River, Western Australia.
Craig has been an active IPWEA member being the inaugural NAMie winner in Cairns 2007, Queensland representative on the 2008 IPWEA international study tour and has presented at both national and international conferences on such issues as asset valuation, asset management, disaster management and use of technology in civil maintenance operations.