Councilors and Council Wastewater Managers are invited to participate in the second workshop of in the Reef Councils Wastewater Stewardship Strategic Assessment (WWSSA) Project.
Date: Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Time: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Crosby Park Events Centre, Brothers Rugby Club, 103 Crosby Road, Albion, Brisbane.
About the WWSSA Project
The Stage 1. Strategic Assessment (WWSSA) component of Initiative 1. Wastewater Stewardship in the Reef Councils MIP proposal was developed by councils in the Reef catchments. Reef Councils are investing in continuous improvement in local assets and activities to reduce total discharges to the Reef, improve water quality and respond to increasing community expectations and regulations. However, investment in high-tech sewage treatment plants (STPs) is expensive with diminishing returns.
The project will work with interested Reef Councils and key stakeholders to identify priority STPs, short-list suitable alternative options and determine low risk sites to trial their effectiveness in a range of catchment environments and climatic regions. Stage 2 (currently unfunded) will undertake the innovation trials in selected locations.
Workshop Objectives: The aims of the second workshop are to:
· brief and update elected members and council officers on the activities and outcomes of the WWSSA project;
· Review methodology to identify priority STPs and draft options matrix, and
· review and refine draft council applications for trials.
This project is a joint initiative of the Office of the Great Barrier Reef (OGBR), the LGAQ and qldwater under the Reef Councils Major Integrated Projects (MIP) proposal.