Day One - Wednesday 6 September
Technical Tour hosted by Queensland Urban Utilities
Please make your own way to the Brisbane City Hall before 9.00 a.m. for the tour of the Council Museum and Photo Library. The group will then board the bus at 10.30 a.m. for the Technical Tour to Queensland Urban Utilities sites. The afternoon events take place the QUU Innovation Centre, Main Beach Road, Pinkenba. PPE is required - please wear closed in shoes, long sleeves and long trousers.Queensland Urban Utilities will provide hard hats and high vis vests.
See the program for full information.
Day Two - Thursday 7 September
Annual Forum
The Annual Forum is being held in the Captain's Room, The Pavilion, Allan Border Field, Greg Chappell Street, Albion on Thursday 7 September 2017.
Please note that there is no parking available at the venue. Parking is available for $4.00 per day at Secure Parking, also on Greg Chappell Street directly adjacent to the venue.
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