Students are invited to present their thesis or research project to 400+ industry professionals on stage at the IPWEA-QNT Annual Conference. Students will also be able to receive feedback on their thesis with a poster board displayed in the exhibition area.
The Futures Challenge winner is chosen by the Conference delegates and presented with a trophy at the 2024 Excellence Awards Gala Dinner. The program is an invaluable opportunity to meet and network with industry leaders, experts and future colleagues.
Congratulations to Jessica Tse from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for winning the 2024 IPWEA-QNT Futures Challenge! Jessica impressed conference delegates with her insightful presentation, earning the highest votes for her outstanding work. We are thrilled to recognise Jessica's achievement as she embarks on a promising career in the industry. Well done, Jessica, and thank you to all the talented students who participated in this year’s challenge!
Royal International Convention Centre, Brisbane, 7 November 2024
Callym Dunleavy, Griffith University
Transitioning towards water - sensitive regions: just an aspiration or an achievable vision?
Callym is an Urban and Environmental Planner with passion and dedication for making sustainable development outcomes. Having recently graduated from Griffith University with a Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning with First Class Honours, Callym is presently working towards the publication of his honour’s thesis research. Callym continues to gain valuable insights working with a multi-disciplinary range of stakeholders. Based in the Brisbane division of Water Technology, Callym is actively working on a diverse range and scope of projects, in areas such as coastal management, flood mitigation, strategic land-use planning, resilience and adaptation, science translation, disaster response, environmental approvals, and development applications. This experience at Water Technology has led to his involvement in several regional and local-scale projects that underline his ability to connect theory with practice and translate highly technical outcomes to a wide diversity of stakeholders. Callym is also an active member of PIA and the Blue, Green, and Grey Industry Research Team, contributing to sustainable urban and environmental planning through research and collaboration on climate change adaptation, water management, and water planning. Callym’s interests include exploring innovative approaches to adaptation and resilience, water planning, water literacy, environmental planning, stakeholder engagement, and climate change.
Jessica Tse, Queensland University of Technology
Investigating the Effect of Microbial-induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) on the Hydromechanical Properties of Field Clay
Jessica Tse is a final-year student at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), pursuing a double degree in Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Business (Economics). Through her studies, Jessica has developed a strong passion for civil engineering, particularly in geotechnical, construction and structural design. She is eager to expand her experience and skills, aspiring to be a significant contributor to Australia’s civil engineering community.
Jessica is honoured to be a finalist for the IPWEA's Futures Challenge, which recognises her dedication and hard work in the field. She is eager to present her final-year thesis, which explores the impacts of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) on clay properties, showcasing the outcomes of her research.
This achievement underscores her commitment to inspiring the next generation of females in STEM, demonstrating that with perseverance and passion, one can make meaningful contributions to the engineering world. Jessica is enthusiastic about continuing her journey and making a positive impact on both her profession and society.
Vili Siale, University of Southern Queensland
Analysis of 2022 Worst Road Fatalities in a Decade in Tasmania
Vili is a Traffic Engineering Liaison Officer at the Tasmanian State Roads Division, Department of State Growth, with over 15 years of experience in the traffic and transport industry
Vili has been involved in the review and design of various traffic engineering schemes, including countless number of road fatality crash investigations within the Tasmanian Road Networks.
Vili has also delivered several engineering and transport infrastructure projects in Tasmania, both in private and public sectors.
2023 - Aquis Park, Gold Coast Turf Club, 11 October 2023
Murtaza Aziz-Ahmad, University of Southern Queensland
Effect of different Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) densities on the mechanical properties of EPS
Ella Nicholas, Queensland University of Technology
Dam Risk Analysis – Contemporary Methods and Techniques
Alex Whitehead, Griffith University
Shear performance investigation of timber-steel composites exposed to accelerated aging conditions
2022 - Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, 12 October 2022
Thomas Murphy, University of Southern Queensland
Rail Track Structure Review and Analysis
Lauren Lord, University of Southern Queensland
The Impact of Historic Combined Sewer House Connections on Wastewater Authorities
2021 - Cairns Convention Centre, 13 October 2021
Winner Lucinda Sterling, University of Southern Queensland Alkali-silica reaction crack evaluation using artificial intelligence | Hadi Nourizadeh, University of Southern Queensland Axial performance of fully grouted rock bolts | Clare Ferguson, University of Southern Queensland Management of repeated damage to regional unsealed roads due to flooding | Ryan Ball, University of Southern Queensland Shear strength properties of sand with fines for various moisture contents |
2020 - Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, 11 November 2020
Martin Luna Juncal, Griffith University
Application of Remote Optical Sensors for Real-Time Nitrate Monitoring and Decision-Making Systems.
Craig van Neuren, University of Southern Queensland
How Building Information Modelling software (BIM) is being used in the Architectural and Engineering (AE) industry and how the use of this software is impacted by the AE industries own understanding of BIM. A South East Queensland (SEQ) Perspective
Sally Williams, University of Southern Queensland
Influence of Water to Grout Ratio and Curing Time on Pulling out Load of Rock Bolt Systems
2019 - Royal International Convention Centre, 23 October 2019
Winner Mark Tomarchio, University of Southern Queensland Improved theory for the design of high-speed roundabouts to suit heavy vehicles | Lucy Bombardieri, James Cook University Mix Design of Paste Backfill for Underground Mining | Benjamin Chappell, Central Queensland University Quantitative Analysis of Coal Fouling in the Stanwell Power Station Balloon Loop | Brooke Young, University of Queensland Design Proposal for Sustainable Futures Building at The University of Queensland |
2018 - Marriott Surfers Paradise, 11 October 2018
Maddy Stahlhut, University of Southern Queensland
Potential for energy generation using pumped storage hydro power in the Toowoomba Water Supply
Lindsay Stafford, Central Queensland University
Controlling and Mentoring Algae Blooms in Effluent Storage Ponds
Matthew Soldatenko, Queensland University of Technology
Reinforced Concrete Wall Performance Under Earthquake Loading
Level 1, 6 Eagleview Place
Eagle Farm QLD 4009
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